Wednesday, 2 November 2011

British Rail Design - 1986

This is the British Rail Manual published by the Danish Design Council in 1986. A great symbol.

Beard Inspiration..

Some serious get-ups...

1976 Montréal Olympics Graphics Manual

Designed by Georges Huel and Pierre-Yves Pelletier. Would love to get my hands on this. Brilliant identity and symbol. The design of the manual is great, nice grid.

Charmins Viral


International Alert - Peace Talks

A short film for international alert. I was part of the idea generation and designed the end frames for the film. Great track by Massive Attack. Enjoy..

Friday, 4 March 2011

Homemade is Best, IKEA, Forsman & Bodenfors

Home made is Best, the winner in the graphics category at the Brit Insurance Design Awards, is a simple idea and because of the execution is made brilliant. Looking at cooking presentation in a different light its visually exciting with rich colours and interesting shapes presenting 30 different Swedish baking recipes.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Halifax Advert Dubstep

This made me laugh, its much funnier than the real one.

Karmarama - Early Learning Centre


This is my favourite out of the 'Let the Fun Begin' series that Karmarama did for the early learning centre. Very fun!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Kerri Chandler - Track 1

Best house track ever made? I (Paul) saw Kerri recently and was taken back by how good he was - the energy and vibes the deep house legend produced were amazing. One of the best sets I have ever witnessed. If your into soulful house grooves you must check him out!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Its different..
This weeks office...the deep blue cafe (science museum)

Funny FedEx Commercial

How does he speak that fast?